Monday, December 17, 2012

Contents of Rain Clouds?

Does nuclear bomb waste absorb in the clouds and come down through rain?  What is the bright green on rocks and tree bark -- is it really fungus?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

An Ecosystem's Ability To Create Rain

Can you burn up an ecosystem's ability to create rain with nuclear waste and/or weapons or other added toxicities?  What does that do to the ozone layer?  Does that waste absorb in the clouds and come down in the rain?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Science Project

If we were to create a science project on how to deplete a planet's oxygen levels, destroy it's eco-system, and desolate life, it would probably be very similar to the path we're on and live today here on our own planet.....cut down the trees, add cars, throw garbage into the waters and land, build nuclear facilities on fault lines all over the globe.  It's truly sad what is being done to this planet.